Ole Farschou (DK)
Ole Faurschou made his debut as a conductor in 2003 from ’The Royal Danish Academy of Music’ after studies in the choir conducting class of prof. Dan-Olof Stenlund. He is also a graduate of orchestra conducting at the ’Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Wien at prof. Uroš Lajovic . Ole is cantor at the Dom of Elsinor and conductor of the University choir 'Lille MUKO'. He has conducted a wide range of performances of passions and masses by Mozart, Bach, Händel and others, as well as a large number of symphonic works. With the choir, ’Academic Choir Aarhus’, he conducted several hundred concerts, and won numerous first – prices. He has conducted most professional orchestras in Denmark, and has toured most of Europe, in China and the United States. He has worked as chorus master of ’The royal opera chorus’, and conducted several operas. Ole is very active in working with the musical education of children and young people. For many years, he conducted the symphony orchestra at OrkesterEfterskolen in Holstebro, and was behind the upstart of 'Holstebro Music Classes' and ’Jutland Youth Symphony Orchestra’. He is Teacher of the ’International Malko conducting academy’ at ’Danish Broadcasting Corporation’.