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Guro Utne Salvesen (NO)

Soprano, folk singer and creative performer.

Guro Une Salvesen lives in Tromsø. She completed her master's degree at Norway's Academy of Music in 2019, where she immersed herself in folk music from Rogaland and new music and improvisation inspired by Nordic folk song traditions. In addition, she has a bachelor's degree in classical singing and music pedagogy from the same university. Following her studies, she participated as a scientific assistant and co-author in the research and book project The musicians, the industry and society, which was completed and published in 2022. Today, Guro works actively as a professional ensemble singer in addition to creating his own projects, singing lessons, courses and various types of solo assignments. She is part of the permanent singers in the vocal ensembles Vokal Nord in Tromsø, Kilden Vokalensemble in Kristiansand and Det Norske Damekor based in Oslo. She is also constantly engaged by other similar ensembles such as Det norske solistkor and Valen Vokalensemble. In all these ensembles, she can often be heard as a soloist at folk music-inspired events. In addition, she is one of three singers in the folk song trio "Aurom" who released the critically acclaimed album "O, svage sind" in the spring of 2024.

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